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Economic crisis – Emphasize on Marketing

Through the economic crisis, firms are facing new difficulties and challenges. In a highly competitive environment, with negative messages and expectations, companies are called to adapt themselves to the circumstances of difficult years. The winning team will be those who will invest in targeted, innovative and effective marketing strategies.
Are you going to be one of them?

Marketing Services

Our views about marketing

The evolution of technology, especially in the media and Internet, has given immediate and comprehensive information to the customers and has increased the consumers’ needs and preferences. The consumer has become first, more demanding because he has the ability to compare and second, more selective because he can decide swiftly and effectively which products and services give value to his money. This development creates a strong rivalry between the companies and, if there is not an innovative marketing strategy, it is very likely that your customers will be switching to other products and services and you will loose share of the market.

What We do:

My Publics, through advisory services on operating Marketing, gives the possibility to you to be able to present and effectively communicate your corporate identity, your services, your products and whatever else you can imagine. Breaking new ground in comparison to your competition, stirring the interest of the customer and increasing your business prospects of “winning the customer over” in the future by creating a competitive advantage through implementing effective marketing messages.

Marketing Mathematics

O + W+W = E.M.M …

O – What exactly is the business offering?

W – Why does the consumer need it?

W – Why does the consumer needs it from “you”?

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